Comedy evolution

Joking each other is human nature. People get relax when they joke and have fun together. There some people who makes people laugh are called comedians. Comedians act out comical situations, engaging in humorous repartee, etc.
1895-1930 was the era of silent movies. Comedy movies increases drammatically in this era. This kind of movies relies on parody and at times grotesque exaggeration. Charlie Chaplin is one of the most popular actors in the line of silent movies in 1920s.
He played his earliest films at age 24. Second film released February 7, 1914 called "Kid Auto races at Venice". His movies were without talking until 1936. Movie makers use some type of musics to their movies to make interesting. Charlie Chaplin's movies based on friendship, love and hero. Movie's quality increases by growing technology.
In 1920s comedy in the form of animated cartoons were became popular, Such as "Betty boops","Krazy Kat",
At the start of 1930’s slapstick comedians were replaced by dialogue film comedians like W.C Fields and the Marx Borthers. Despite these changes, Charlie Chaplin remained in his position and was still a favorite during that time. He also made some changes like putting sound effects but still has no dialogue.
1960s comedy makers started shows such as "Dick Van Dyke" show. This show's well accepted by audience and, made a good progress.
Nowadays there a lot of family comedy shows such as "FAMILY GUY" . This animated show first released by MacFarlane on January 31st,1999.
This comedy show is more likable by most people nowadays, and more likable with it's quality.
Brian Griffin:
(voiced by Seth MacFarlane)
No ordinary family dog. Brian is Peter's best friend. He has lived with the Griffin's for many years now, and has been accepted as one of the family after Peter brought him home one day for dinner after Brian tried to clean the car windscreen for money.
Brian usually has to sort Peter out when he gets in the usual mess. Peter probably wouldn`t survive without Brian.
Chris Griffin:
(voiced by Seth Green)
he eldest son of the Griffin's. He is quite clearly taking after his father, already proving that he is rather dim when it comes to common sense.
He enjoys watching televison, playing computer games and painting. He is afraid of the evil monkey that lives in his room.
Lois Griffin:
(voiced by Alex Borstein)
Lois Pewterschmidt is the wife of Peter Griffin. With out her, the whole family would fall apart, she provides a voice of reason and sense.
Meg Griffin:
(voiced by Mila Kunis)
Meg is the moody teenage daughter and the eldest of her siblings. She is also Peter and Lois' only daughter.klsdfjasdkfjaklsjdf
Character GUIDE
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